ACB Confirmed to Supreme Court

October 26th, 2020

Alex Egues

Janet Miller Intern

The recent death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has left a vacancy that will more than likely be filled this week. The seat’s vacancy has unequivocally resulted in a political struggle that both parties believe will shape American culture. On September 26, President Trump nominated Coney Barrett to the Supreme Court. As we saw, her opinions on key issues like abortion, LGBTQ rights, and immigration were in the spotlight.

Amy Coney Barrett is a judge on the US Court of Appeals for the 7th Circuit and has reportedly been on the shortlist for the Supreme Court for some time. In addition to serving on the appellate bench, Judge Barrett also worked as a Professor of Law at Notre Dame. Known for her originalist values, Judge Barrett was endorsed by 450 former students, and 49 of her Notre Dame colleagues. She’s a devout Catholic and believes that a judge’s personal ideals should not influence the law.

In the case of Kanter v. Barr, Judge Barrett’s conservative values were on display being the singular dissension in arguing for Second Amendment Rights. She stated, “History is consistent with common sense: it demonstrates that legislatures have the power to prohibit dangerous people from possessing guns…But that power extends only to people who are dangerous. Founding legislatures did not strip felons of the right to bear arms simply because of their status as felons.”

While Amy Coney Barrett has not directly ruled on abortion cases, she has in fact taken judicial stands supporting limits on Roe v. Wade. In 2018, judges determined an Indiana Law unconstitutional for the requirement of fetal remains to be buried or cremated post-abortion; Barrett challenged the decision and demanded the case be reconsidered. Additionally, Barrett dissented regarding an Indiana law that deemed it unconstitutional to require minors to have parental consent in order to obtain an abortion.

But more than being a highly established, conservative judge; Judge Barrett is a mother. In an interview at her alma mater, Notre Dame, Judge Barrett expressed that “there is no greater thing than raising children.” Those who know Judge Barrett describe her as a friend, neighbor, and mom. With 7 children, two of them adopted from Haiti and one with special needs, the South Bend community where Judge Barrett resides says she is someone to emulate.

Now more than ever, it is imperative that the  Supreme Court uphold the rule of law, judge cases impartially, and defend the Constitution. Judge Barrett’s record shows that she meets and exceeds this threshold, as an imminently qualified nominee. American jurisprudence is in danger of devolving irredeemably into a cesspool of moral corruption. The Founders entrusted the Court with the sacred responsibility of upholding the country’s laws, entailing seeing justice through and interpreting the Constitution so that the people’s rights are affirmed and preserved.

The vacancy of RBG has without a doubt ignited a fierce battle for conservatives and liberals alike, both of which hope to maintain the integrity of the Supreme Court.  It is the fervent hope of conservatives across the country that the Judiciary, at all levels, continues to live up to the lofty aspirations of the Founders and always enforce equal justice under the law. 
