Election Integrity is Absolutely Essential to Protecting Election Outcomes

November 3rd, 2021

The Virginia results prove that citizen engagement in election integrity is absolutely essential to protecting the outcome.  Literally, thousands of Virginia patriots have been involved since last spring, forming election integrity task forces in every major county, and becoming part of the election apparatus.  Their presence in the election offices for months helped them become acquainted with how the election is supposed to work – and believe me, these volunteers saw and heard things that were NOT supposed to be happening and were able to get things FIXED!  And then, thousands more citizens came out and became election officials and poll watchers!  It is the only way we are going to reclaim our elections in America.

Conservatives don’t want the election process to be tilted in our favor:  we just want the laws to be enforced as written and to stop the left-wing radicals from manipulating the election process to their advantage.

CPI’s Election Integrity Network is soon to publish a Citizens Guide to Election Integrity Infrastructure and training videos to help citizens know how to protect the integrity of the elections in your state and your local area.

We are excited about Virginia’s excellent work and we want to help people in more states replicate their efforts.  

Let us know if YOU want to get involved!  We will make these Citizens Guides and training videos available to your local group so YOU can fight the battle to save our elections and wrest control of the election system from the radical left-wing activists who have been focused on controlling the system for more than a decade.

Watch the two-part series of my podcast “Who’s Counting? with Cleta Mitchell” where Scott Walter, President of the Capital Research  Center explains the massive funding from left-wing billionaires to remake America – and how the Mark Zuckerberg hundreds of millions of dollars manipulated the outcome of the 2020 election.

Then join us at the Election Integrity Network, to build a national infrastructure that is standing up for free and fair elections in America! 

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