2022:  The Year for Election Integrity

January 6th, 2022

Scott Rasmussen released polling data on January 6, 2022, which had some interesting findings:  “A majority of Democrats still believe Clinton was the legitimate winner in 2016. A majority of Republicans still believe Donald Trump was the legitimate winner in 2020. Just 26% of voters believe the proper winner was declared in each of those elections.

Fifty-five percent (55%) of voters believe activists and politicians in both political parties would steal an election if they could get away with it. Thirty-three percent (33%) disagree.”

This information and results of other surveys are the primary motivating factor for designating 2022 as the Year for Election Integrity.  With so many voters believing that the wrong person was inaugurated as President following both the 2016 and 2020 elections, it is imperative that we make every effort to vigorously ensure that elections are administered fairly, impartially, and in accordance with the laws enacted by the state legislatures.  

That did not happen in 2020.  The election laws were changed at the last moment by judges, both federal and state, in hundreds of lawsuits brought by the vast leftwing litigation machine, and their lead litigator attack dog, Marc Elias.  

Election administrators and officials across the country took almost half a billion dollars in private funding from Mark Zuckerburg and allowed their election offices to be turned into Democrat turnout machines.

There was an unprecedented assault on the election laws in every state by the left during 2020 – and we must make certain that in 2022, we as citizens are engaged and involved at the state and local election offices:  watching, listening, learning, and holding election officials to account for disregard or violation of the election laws.

Election officials must resist the demands of the left that their offices and election systems become activist voter turnout entities. That is the job of the political parties and the candidates.  The job of the election officials is to fairly and honestly administer the elections, in compliance with the law, and to treat every voter and class of voters the same.   That didn’t happen in 2020 in far too many states and local election offices.

The Constitution confers on state legislatures the primary responsibility for determining the time, place, and manner of conducting elections in America.   The left is intent upon thwarting that Constitutional framework – attempting over and over during 2021 to grab power from the states and to hand over control of the nation’s elections to the left-wing lawyers at the Voting Section of the Department of Justice.   YouTube blocked my podcast episode in which J. Christian Adams, a former Department of Justice attorney in the Voting Section, in which he described in detail the leftist control on that agency.   Christian is now President of the Public Interest Legal Foundation and wrote a book about his experiences in the Voting Section:  Injustice:  Exposing the Racial Agenda of the Obama Justice Department.

There is much work to do in 2022.  I hope you will follow the podcasts, take a look at the Citizens Guide for Building the Election Integrity Infrastructure,   Citizens Guide – Election Integrity Network (whoscounting.us), get involved in forming local election integrity task forces, and help restore the integrity of the election process in America.

2022: The Year for Election Integrity.  It is up to us.

The post 2022:  The Year for Election Integrity appeared first on Election Integrity Network – Who’s Counting with Cleta Mitchell.
