An Interview with West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner  

January 19th, 2022

One of the great honors in my life is to meet and come to know Americans across the country who love this country, who understand the importance of elections that are conducted fairly and in accordance with the law, and who are committed to ensuring that the sacred right to vote is never dishonored by political operatives and power grabbers who see voting as a means only to obtaining and retaining power.

Such is the Secretary of State of West Virginia, the Honorable Mac Warner.   He is, indeed, honorable. A sixth-generation West Virginian, a West Point Graduate, a father of four military officers, a retired Army officer…and truly one of the greatest public servants in the nation today. Biography & 2017 Inauguration (

I was honored to meet Secretary Warner last year after he testified before the US Senate Rules Committee, against HR 1 / S 1, the federal legislation that would eviscerate elections in every state, and that would overturn state laws governing election administration and the fair administration of elections. Secretary Warner’s powerful testimony was sobering as he described the ill-advised efforts of Congress to enact HR 1 / S1, a bill that he said, “stands against the very principles that the United States of America were founded upon.” Testimony_Warner1.pdf (

Secretary Warner wasn’t just speaking for himself. Those responsible for administering elections in West Virginia echoed their opposition to S.1. Fifty-four of the fifty-five West Virginia County Clerks signed a letter opposing S.1, for the reasons Secretary Warner stated in his testimony to the US Senate. West Virginia Secretary of State Warner, majority of county clerks voice opposition against For the People Act (

So, when leftwing groups attack Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) for ‘standing in the way’ of the leftists’ plan to have bureaucrats in Washington, DC take over every election office in America, they need to realize that there are key figures in Sen. Manchin’s home state who don’t agree with their pressure tactics to accomplish that federal takeover.

Secretary Mac Warner is a leader among his peers serving in the highest level of election administration circles in the country. He is a true patriot, serving his country in the US Army and now, defending the precious election systems that have served our Republic for more than two centuries.

With gratitude to this great American, I hope you will share this week’s episode of Who’s Counting?, an interview with West Virginia Secretary of State Mac Warner.  
