Rachel Bovard is the Vice President of Programs. She spent over a decade on Capitol Hill in various capacities in the House and Senate, including as Legislative Director to Sen. Rand Paul. She most recently served as the Executive Director of the Senate Steering Committee, the caucus of conservative senators, chaired by Sen. Mike Lee. In 2013, Rachel was named to National Journal’s list of the 35 Most Influential Women in Washington under 35. In 2023, she was named to The Hill’s list of the 25 Staffers Who Make Capitol Hill Run. She is also the recipient of The American Conservative Magazine’s Conservative Mind award.
Rachel’s policy analysis and punditry have appeared widely on print and television, including in The Federalist, the New York Times, Fox News, MSNBC, and the New York Post, among other outlets. Along with CPI’s Chairman, Jim DeMint, she is the co-author of Conservative: Knowing What To Keep. She serves on the advisory board of American Moment and on the board of The American Conservative Magazine.