Broken…but FIXABLE: PA Rep. Seth Grove reveals deep corruption and disregard of the rule of law in the Pennsylvania elections in 2020

February 2nd, 2022

Pennsylvania State Representative Seth Grove (R-York), Chairman of the House State Government Committee, has relentlessly identified myriad problems with the state’s election systems including the uneven application of voting statutes, ignored in blue counties while followed in red counties in 2020. Separating and tackling each election integrity problem – from unvalidated voting registrations to unsecured ballot boxes -, Rep. Grove discusses with Cleta his committee’s legislative solutions. The reforms would ensure common-sense measures like time limits on vote counting to unique fixes such as creating enhanced voter registration cards to serve as voter ID, among many other provisions.   And probably most important, Rep Grove’s bill outlines a model for post-election audits that every state should adopt.

Rep. Grove tells a fascinating story of fighting local corruption, state officials who put partisanship over voters, and a governor who vetoes a bill without “knowing what’s in it.” 

His 2020 PA Election Report can be found here, and is a primer on election integrity for every state. 
