Policy Spotlight

Red flag laws to fight mass shootings? Fine for an ideal world, but we don’t live in one.
September 11, 2019Abuse of power is inevitable if the government can confiscate firearms from citizens who aren’t charged with crimes or diagnosed with mental illness. Politicians like to talk about solving problems. But, as we all know, actually solving Americans’ problems from Washington is very hard. So, while politicians would like to solve problems, usually they are […]

Federal Gas Taxes Hurt the Poor the Most
June 18, 2019As President Trump and Congressional Democrats hash out an infrastructure plan for the country, questions have arisen about how the government plans to pay the two trillion dollar price tag. One proposal that always seems to rear its head anytime we talk about fixing the roads is raising the federal tax on the fuel that […]

National Flood Insurance Program Reauthorized for the 11th Time Without Reform
May 30, 2019On May 23rd, Congress attempted to reauthorize the insolvent National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) without any reforms for the 11th time, as part of a larger disaster assistance bill. The NFIP has long been the plague of fiscally-minded taxpayers and the homeowners who are supposed to benefit from it. It’s worth taking a look […]

Can Congress Legally Compel Trump’s Tax Returns?
April 11, 2019This past week, House Democrats followed through on a long-touted promise to demand President Trump’s tax returns. Ways and Means Committee Chairman Richard Neal is citing a little-used statue in the tax code that dates back to 1924 in order to obtain Trump’s taxes. This will surely set up a legal fight that may reach […]

Red Flag Laws, Firearms, & Due Process
April 4, 2019Last week, Democrats and Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee came together in a bipartisan move to express interest in extreme risk protection orders, or “red flag laws.” Members of the Committee, including the Committee’s chairman, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), are hoping to create a federal level program that would incentivize states to adopt red […]

How Much Amnesty?
January 30, 2018NumbersUSA has put together a comparison of the amnesty give-aways and other policies contained in the President’s proposal, and various other proposals that are making their way through Congress. Take a look.

Tax Reform Roundup
November 28, 2017As the House and Senate start making significant moves toward their goal of passing tax reform before Christmas, we’ve pulled together resources from the around the conservative movement which discuss the policies at stake. Know Your History Take a look at the tax concepts being discussed during previous tax reform debates. Cato Institute Policy Analysis […]

Policy Spotlight: Buckle up, it’s reconciliation time
July 25, 2017The Senate is careening toward a full on reconciliation process on their latest attempt at Obamacare repeal. What is the motion to proceed, is vote-a-rama a real thing or a circus ride, and what? The Senate will vote until 3a? From the motion to proceed to vote-a-rama, Brookings’ Molly Reynolds has a great explainer to get […]

Policy Spotlight: Is There One Type of Trump Voter?
July 10, 2017Since November 8, 2016, we’ve been living in a political paradigm shift. The desires and will of the electorate – difficult to predict on a good day – have shifted seismically, forming new coalitions and disintegrating others. In particular, the Trump voters – who they are, where they live, and, ultimately, what they want – continue […]