
Will the GOP let a procedural question stop them from repealing Obamacare?
September 18, 2017After failing to repeal Obamacare earlier this year using the Fiscal Year 2017 reconciliation process, the Senate has found itself in a peculiar position. The reconciliation bill for FY2017 still remains on the Senate calendar, available for use. But for how long? Until this fiscal year ends on September 30, 2017? Until the end of […]

What is a discharge petition?
August 31, 2017Conservatives have been understandably frustrated with Congress’s inability to repeal Obamacare. That frustration continues to grow, as House and Senate leadership have made it apparent that they’d like to move on to other issues. The House Freedom Caucus is determined not to let them. Just before Congress left for their summer recess, the House Freedom […]

Obamacare: the Bad and the…Illegal?
August 3, 2017Though they promised to repeal it “root and branch” if voters just gave them the majority, congressional Republicans have failed, again, to muster the votes for Obamacare repeal. So what’s next? Notable author and former staffer to President Ronald Reagan, Don Devine, points out that the White House can act on some issues unilaterally. He […]

Some real talk about amendments during reconciliation
July 25, 2017With the dramatic vote to proceed to the American Health Care Act (the repeal bill the Senate passed in 2015) this afternoon, the Senate teed up a process that will shortly move to reconciliation (more on that here). As part of the reconciliation process, members will have an opportunity to offer a virtually unlimited amount […]

Policy Spotlight: Buckle up, it’s reconciliation time
July 25, 2017The Senate is careening toward a full on reconciliation process on their latest attempt at Obamacare repeal. What is the motion to proceed, is vote-a-rama a real thing or a circus ride, and what? The Senate will vote until 3a? From the motion to proceed to vote-a-rama, Brookings’ Molly Reynolds has a great explainer to get […]

BCRA unlikely to survive the Parliamentarian? Hold your horses.
July 24, 2017On Friday, Senator Bernie Sanders released a document claiming that the Senate Parliamentarian was prepared to invalidate large portions of the BCRA as “noncompliant” with the Byrd Rule – the law that governs consideration of Senate reconciliation bills. Specifically, Sanders’ document highlighted restrictions on tax credits being used for abortion, and defunding of Palnned Parenthood, […]

The Mike Lee Moment
July 19, 2017In this latest iteration of the GOP health care drama, there are a handful of Senators who are defining the debate around Obamacare repeal: Rand Paul and Susan Collins, for their flat out refusal to support the BCRA in any form (though for opposite reasons); Lisa Murkowski and Shelley Moore Capito for their unabashed opposition to […]

Healthcare Roundup
July 18, 2017Like President Trump realized earlier this year, healthcare is complicated. Between reconciliation, the Byrd rule, Title I regulations and risk pools, there’s a lot to keep track of in this year’s healthcare reform debate. Check out the resources below for some guideposts. On the Senate’s bill, the Better Care Reconciliation Act of 2017 Healthcare expert […]