
How Much Amnesty?
January 30, 2018NumbersUSA has put together a comparison of the amnesty give-aways and other policies contained in the President’s proposal, and various other proposals that are making their way through Congress. Take a look.

Conservative Godfathers: Reflections from Don Devine, Part II
September 3, 2017This is Part II of a two-part interview with conservative philosopher, former aide to President Ronald Reagan, and author, Donald Devine. You can read Part I here. Don Devine is one of only a handful of people in Washington who truly understands The Swamp – what makes it tick, how it operates, and how best […]

Obamacare: the Bad and the…Illegal?
August 3, 2017Though they promised to repeal it “root and branch” if voters just gave them the majority, congressional Republicans have failed, again, to muster the votes for Obamacare repeal. So what’s next? Notable author and former staffer to President Ronald Reagan, Don Devine, points out that the White House can act on some issues unilaterally. He […]