
Bovard on Pelosi’s COVID-19 Bill: A Liberal Wishlist, “Woke-Scolding”
March 24, 2020Earlier today, CPI’s Senior Director of Policy Rachel Bovard documented the liberal policies buried in Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s COVID-19 response bill, policies that would do nothing to solve the public health crisis. Her Twitter thread pointing out this abuse has gone viral. It has been shared by numerous conservative leaders including Senator Mike Lee, Rep. Dan Crenshaw, Ben […]

Red flag laws to fight mass shootings? Fine for an ideal world, but we don’t live in one.
September 11, 2019Abuse of power is inevitable if the government can confiscate firearms from citizens who aren’t charged with crimes or diagnosed with mental illness. Politicians like to talk about solving problems. But, as we all know, actually solving Americans’ problems from Washington is very hard. So, while politicians would like to solve problems, usually they are […]

Sen. Jim DeMint: Drain the Swamp with Term Limits
June 19, 2019Testimony of Sen. Jim DeMint Chairman Conservative Partnership Institute Subcommittee on the Constitution Senate Judiciary Committee Keeping Congress Accountable: Term Limits in the United States June 18, 2019 Thank you, Chairman Cruz and members of the subcommittee, for the invitation to be here today. It’s extremely gracious of you, considering I’m going to […]

Senate Handcuffs Itself on Yemen Resolution
December 13, 2018The Senate is considering Senate Joint Resolution 54, under the expedited procedures in 50 USC 1546(a) (the War Powers Act). The statute provides for a fully open amendment process with no limitations. Which would mean that, according to the statute, the Senate can pass literally any amendment (build the wall, Repeal Obamacare, defund Planned Parenthood, […]

Senate Procedure For Considering a Message from the House
December 10, 2018In Senate procedural terms, a “Message” is a bill that has been amended in the House and sent back to the Senate. The Senate can do several things with the amendment — Concur (i.e. pass the bill with the House Amendment) Concur with an Amendment (i.e. amend the bill and send back to the House) […]

The Process for Electing a Speaker of the House
November 20, 2018As the incoming majority in the House of Representatives, Democrats are preparing to elect their next Speaker. Will Nancy Pelosi return to the post, which she previously held from 2007 to 2010, or will a younger generation of Members succeed her? More importantly, however, just how does a Speaker get elected? According to Democratic caucus […]

Conservative Calendar 2017-2018
May 1, 2018Every year, groups within the conservative movement hold important conferences that help shape the debates, policies and messaging of freedom fighters on the right. Below are some important conservative events held around the country. If you have tips on events that should be listed, please email us at [email protected]. 2018 May 16-18: GOPAC Spring Leadership […]

The Lowdown on Rescissions
April 4, 2018After expressing unhappiness with the size of the $1.3 trillion omnibus spending bill he signed last month, reports indicate that President Trump is working on a package of rescissions to cut some of the spending. What is a rescission? A “rescission” is the cancellation or reduction of budget authority (the ability of an agency to […]

Conservative concerns with White House amnesty compromise
January 28, 2018After Democrats shutdown the government over demands for amnesty for 800,000 young illegal immigrants who took part in former President Obama’s unconstitutional DACA program, the Trump White House recently proposed a compromise. The newly unveiled plan includes: Immediate amnesty for 1.8 million illegal immigrants, including path to citizenship after 10-12 years – 800,000 young illegals who […]

Marist Poll: Huge Majorities Support Pro-Life Legislation
January 24, 2018A new poll of more than 2500 American adults conducted in the last few weeks found that 76% of Americans favor significant abortion restrictions and most find abortion morally objectionable. More from the press release: More than three quarters of Americans would limit abortion to — at most — the first three months of pregnancy, according […]

Trump OMB nominee attacked for Christian faith still not confirmed
January 8, 2018Other than the confirmation of Neil Gorsuch, in 2017 the Trump nominee that made the most headlines was one attacked by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) over his Christian faith. And still in 2018, this nominee still hasn’t been confirmed. Not because of Democrats, but because a member of Senate GOP leadership is holding him over funding […]

Toomey to block ExIm board until Senate confirms Trump nominee
December 22, 2017Before leaving for Christmas break, the Senate blocked the nomination of Scott Garrett, President Trump’s choice to lead the Export Import Bank, which has long been opposed by conservatives as corporate welfare. Why did this happen? Mercatus’ Veronique De Rugy explains: The Senate Banking Committee rejected President Trump’s nominee to head the Export-Import Bank, former […]

A Tribute to Richard Odermatt
October 26, 2017Today, CPI Chairman Jim DeMint shared his thoughts on the passing of Richard Odermatt, longtime Heritage Foundation research editor and friend. ———— There are few people in the conservative movement who have had a hand in developing policy solutions to more problems and crises than Richard Odermatt—and fewer still with the kind of grace and joy […]

The lazy Senate is helping Democrats win re-election
October 24, 2017By keeping the Senate in session a mere 2.5 days a week, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is allowing vulnerable Democrats four extra days a week to hit the campaign trail. Senate Republicans have a historic majority advantage, with only eight seats to defend to Democrats’ 23. Will McConnell’s lazy Senate be enough to waste it? […]

Majority advantage in Senate seats up for re-election, 1790 – 2018
October 23, 2017Year Majority Seats Up Minority Seats Up Majority Advantage 2018 6 26 20 2008 12 23 11 1954 12 20 8 1898 11 19 8 1928 12 19 7 1982 13 19 6 1952 13 19 6 1972 14 19 5 2004 15 19 4 1896 13 17 4 1882 11 15 4 1934 14 […]