
America’s Elites Clueless on Communist China
August 28, 2020Dominic De Bernardo CPI Intern In the fall and early winter of 2019, as the novel coronavirus (now COVID-19) was spreading intensely but tacitly within the Chinese province of Hubei, word of the disease was spreading less rigorously but just as furtively throughout the country. The Chinese government was keen to maintain a sense of […]

Jim DeMint – I’ve changed my mind about China. America should too.
May 15, 2020It was the year 2001 and I was a second-term U.S. congressman from South Carolina. Opening trade with China was the top priority of Republican President George Bush. The pressure was on Republicans in Congress to support his initiative to give China permanent most favored nation status and allow it to join the World Trade […]

US Must Take Back Pharma Production From China
April 17, 2020One of the big critiques of a hyper-globalized supply chain in which America’s manufacturing was outsourced was that it would, in a time of crisis, put America at a huge disadvantage. Unable to produce needed equipment or pharmaceuticals, we’d be left at the mercy of the countries who did. But, says the economic theory of […]