COMPASS: House, Senate, White House in Full Swing

February 4, 2025

Good afternoon from Capitol Hill. Washington was rocked by the news Wednesday night that an American Airlines regional jet collided midair with a U.S. Army Black Hawk helicopter while landing at Reagan National airport. There were no survivors; the remains of 55 have been recovered from the Potomac River so far. The Washington Post published […]

COMPASS: New Details Emerge About January 6th

October 1, 2024

Good afternoon from Capitol Hill. Congress is officially recessed for the whole of October, and will not return to Washington until mid-November. Before leaving last week, they hurriedly passed a Continuing Resolution to fund the government at existing levels until December 20 (not included was the SAVE Act, requiring proof of citizenship before voting). In […]

COMPASS: Regulating for radicals

August 28, 2024

Good afternoon from Capitol Hill. The Supreme Court voted 5-4 on Friday to reject an emergency request to enforce portions of a Department of Education rule that reinterprets Title IX’s ban on sex discrimination to include sexual orientation and gender identity.  The 1,577-page regulation intends to prohibit policies which prevent a “person from participating in […]

CPI Announces New Hires

February 6, 2024

WASHINGTON – On Monday, the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI) announced six new hires and three promotions that will be integral to the operations of the organization as it continues its mission to build and support the conservative movement in Washington and around the nation. “CPI continues to put an emphasis on finding the best staff in […]

Statement from Jim DeMint about Mark Meadows

August 15, 2023

Mark Meadows is one of our nation’s most humble, selfless, and unwavering conservative leaders. His track record of serving and defending the Constitution and the American people is unparalleled in the nation’s capital. Mark put his name and reputation on the line when he founded the House Freedom Caucus to hold leadership accountable and make […]

Georgia Bans All Private Money for Election Offices and Officials

March 10, 2023

After Georgia passed its anti-ZuckBucks legislation last year, election integrity advocates believed that they had fully protected voters from private money corrupting election offices.  But ZuckBucks and Georgia liberals invented a workaround loophole – just go ahead and give the corrupting cash directly to Georgia election officials, personally. Georgia’s legislature said no, and have closed […]

Just One More Piece of Evidence That RCV Must Be Banned Across the Universe

Oakland voters went to the polls. Voters and election officials were confused by Ranked Choice Voting. One guy won. Then another guy one. “We’re sorry; we messed up the multiple counts,” said election officials. Then a JUDGE decided the outcome.  That’s not how voting is supposed to work. Election outcomes are to reflect the will […]

RCV: A Skunk at a Garden Party is Still a Skunk

March 3, 2023

There’s no denying the dangers of “Rigged Choice Voting” – it has caused confusion among voters and election officials everywhere it’s been tried and leaves a trail of discarded ballots and controversy. Why would anyone support a procedural change that always ends up in silencing thousands of voters’ voices? Because it’s being pushed by the […]

Biden Administration Taxpayer Funded Plan to Silence Patriotic Poll Watchers

Perhaps the most stinging untruth among the big, huge, whopping lies the left tells about election integrity poll observers is when they falsely accuse observers of being violent actors. Now the Biden Administration has attached taxpayer dollars to promote that lie – sending the Department of Homeland security to “guard the nation” against poll observers. […]

Dave Carver: New Jersey’s Inspirational Voter Rolls Accuracy Activist and Leader

March 1, 2023

Dave Carver of New Jersey was a senior pharmaceutical executive with decades of experience in federally regulated data and software, with a gift for spotting anomalies and irregularities in data. As a longtime volunteer sports coach, he also knows how to build a multi-partisan team. These two skill sets have merged into Dave’s mission in […]

Unlawful ZuckBucks Redux in Georgia: Revealed and Opposed

February 24, 2023

The Georgia law on private funding of public elections is clear: “NO.” Yet officials in DeKalb County invented a loophole and hoped no one would notice as they circumvented state law to greedily accept private money from the leftwing US Alliance for Election Excellence – the newest iteration of ZuckBucks. Election integrity activists in Georgia […]

Idaho Legislator Takes a Stand Against Treacherous Ranked Choice Voting

Ranked Choice Voting is bad, has failed everywhere it’s been tried, and the left is hard at work trying to insert it into state voting procedures. RCV is confusing for voters, forces voters to vote for people they don’t like, ALWAYS results in ballots being discarded, and makes accurate audits impossible. So, what’s the good […]

Marci McCarthy: A Citizen Patriot Dedicated to restoring FITness to Georgia Elections: Faith, Integrity and Trust (FIT)

February 22, 2023

Georgia’s Marci McCarthy is Chairman of the DeKalb County GOP and a fierce warrior for election integrity.   Her commitment is to never see a repeat of what she witnessed in the general election in 2020.    During the 2020 election, Marci was an election worker in Georgia’s second-most blue county as a member of a bipartisan […]

Those Pesky Constitutions: Progressive Rhode Island Legislator Pushes Non-Citizen Voting

February 17, 2023

There are two kinds of non-citizens in our nation. Some are here lawfully, and some are here illegally. A leftwing Rhode Island legislator pushing for all “residents” to vote draws no distinction between the two. He also picks and chooses through the state Constitution’s voting provisions as he embraces “over 18” requirements but glosses right […]

Three Municipalities Just Say No to the Left’s Corrupting Cash

“Zuckbucks” has morphed into the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence, but it is composed of the same elite billionaire leftwing donors trying to corrupt election outcomes and procedures by finding new ways to influence election officials. This article reveals how the Alliance tries to skirt Zuckbucks bans and turn election offices into Alliance fundraisers. More […]

Hans von Spakovsky: ALERT! “Rigged” Choice Voting Robs Voters of Ballots and Throws Elections Into Chaos

January 18, 2023

In recent weeks, more citizens have become aware of a dangerous threat to America’s election process called “Ranked Choice Voting.” It is appearing in legislation in many states, mostly recently in Virginia, and is sometimes even embraced by Republicans who have not done enough homework to understand the danger it represents.   RCV results in votes […]

Cleta Mitchell & Heather Honey: The Lawless Elections of Maricopa County

January 11, 2023

Please join Cleta as she interviews Verity Vote founder and Pennsylvania Fair Elections Coalition Chair Heather Honey, recently called as an expert witness in the post-2022 Arizona election integrity court case.  With her election integrity experience, expertise as an open source investigator and ability to review and interpret the accuracy of ballot reporting systems and procedures, Heather […]

COMPASS: “Transformational” Conservative Victory in Congress

January 9, 2023

Good afternoon from Capitol Hill.  Not too long ago, the pundit class was screeching on every media outlet that members of the House Freedom Caucus who opposed the immediate election of a speaker and demanding process changes could lead to handing the gavel to Rep. Hakeem Jeffries (NY) and would be a disaster for Republicans. […]

Prophecy Fulfilled: the DOJ continues its “flabbergasting” leftist campaign against election integrity

January 4, 2023

When this episode of “Who’s Counting with Cleta Mitchell” podcast originally aired in May of 2022, guest Maureen Riordan – a veteran attorney, retired from the Department of Justice’s Civil Rights Division – warned of the hyper-partisan and leftist ideology that dominates the DOJ swamp. During the 2022 election cycle, the Department of Justice proved Maureen’s warnings to be accurate […]