America’s Elites Clueless on Communist China
August 28, 2020Dominic De Bernardo CPI Intern In the fall and early winter of 2019, as the novel coronavirus (now COVID-19) was spreading intensely but tacitly within the Chinese province of Hubei, word of the disease was spreading less rigorously but just as furtively throughout the country. The Chinese government was keen to maintain a sense of […]
Time to defund the defunders
Like many Americans, Republicans in Congress have a hard time coming up with a plan to fight back against antifa and the outraged mob that has terrorized communities across the country. The main goal of these rioters is to defund police departments. It is so insane that it is hard to respond with anything more […]
DEMINT: Trump Can Unite America Against the Woke Mobs
July 23, 2020The “Great Awokening” – the bizarre combination of hypersensitivity and inhuman cruelty among left-wing social justice mobs – is not a grassroots political movement, and certainly not an anti-establishment revolution. It’s performance art organized by and for America’s progressive elites. It may look angry and unpredictable and subversive, but for the elites who run America’s […]
Senate Democrat Thwarts Resolution to Condemn Mob Violence
July 17, 2020Lauren Kaylor | James A. West Intern A festering wound of mass mob violence infects the United States in the summer of 2020. After the death of George Floyd on May 25, thousands pressed into anarchic brigades of chaos, unleashing destruction and devastation on thousands of American citizens and their property. Many innocent people have […]
Freedom & Truth: A Response to the June Medical Services LLC v. Russo Decision
July 10, 2020Max Montana | The Senator Tom Coburn Intern In a 5-4 ruling on June 29, the United States Supreme Court struck down a Louisiana state law that required abortion providers to have admitting privileges at local hospitals. Justice Stephen Breyer, writing for the majority, stated that the law would place “substantial obstacles in the path […]
Jim DeMint: The COVID Con
July 2, 2020If you want a preview of what the world socialists want, you don’t need to read Karl Marx or the Democratic Party’s campaign platform. You can just remember your COVID spring. I remember mine. What I’ll always remember is the hysteria, the bullying, the lying and the devastating pain caused by all of the above. […]
Fund the police, defund the Left
June 29, 2020America’s police departments are full of the bravest, most selfless, honest, and beloved men and women our country produces. They are patriots, a large proportion of whom join the force after serving in our military. They keep us safe. They are the reason we can sleep soundly in our beds at night. They put their […]
Why banking on judges is a poor strategy
June 16, 2020This article was originally posted in Spectator USA Monday’s Supreme Court decision in Bostock v. Clayton County was massively significant for two reasons. As a legal matter, the ruling determined that the prohibition on ‘sex discrimination’ in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it illegal to fire an employee on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity. […]