Australia took a stand against Facebook — and got silenced
February 19, 2021On Wednesday, Facebook launched a capital strike against the country of Australia. Rather than continue negotiations with Australia regarding paying for the news content circulating on its platform, Facebook decided to pull up stakes. Within hours, the company announced it would “restrict publishers and people in Australia” from sharing or viewing news content. This restriction was also […]

What should we expect from a 50-50 Senate?
January 20, 2021Good afternoon from Capitol Hill. It’s pretty much a fortress downtown, with over 25,000 National Guard troops stationed across DC. Joe Biden will be sworn in as the 46th president tomorrow shortly after 12pm EST. The inauguration will be a mix of in-person and virtual. Vice President Mike Pence will attend. Outgoing President Donald Trump will not. […]

DEMINT: Congress Threatens To Relapse Into An Old Addiction
December 4, 2020Congressional earmarks — the drug of choice for big spending Congressmen and Senators who want to “bring home the bacon” — have been dead for ten years. But like a monster in a horror movie sequel, earmarks always threaten to come back to life. House Democratic Leader Steny Hoyer recently said Congress will raise earmarks from the […]
ACB Confirmed to Supreme Court
October 26, 2020Alex Egues Janet Miller Intern The recent death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg has left a vacancy that will more than likely be filled this week. The seat’s vacancy has unequivocally resulted in a political struggle that both parties believe will shape American culture. On September 26, President Trump nominated Coney Barrett to […]